Dear Friends, Allies and Relatives

As you look across the information of our humble sharing space, we ask that you please consider some pretty simple, yet somewhat challenging ideas -

Countless hours both in preparation and during gatherings and events have been guided by a few simple, yet very complex questions; What monetary value should we attach to the sharing of the cultural knowledge and practices of Original Nations and Peoples? How does one set value for sharing ideas with each other about what it means to be a true human being, maintain cultural integrity and strengthen the relationships with each other and Unci Maka, our Grandmother Earth?

Within our shared cultural practices we have found a commonality; the practice of giving and generosity. Through all of our efforts we want you to know that we have struggled with ideas of how to support the activities and events that we continue to offer as a creative space of possibility - to hear the voices of Original Nations and Peoples.

Even where we incur great expense, we do not charge each other to be a true human being, we do not charge for the events, we do not charge for the sharing of cultural knowledge, practice or experience. INITC and the Stories and Songs of the People program rely on your practice of generosity to continue offering these gatherings and sustain well-being, ensure this work continues and, most importantly, to support our Elders, knowledge keepers and youth to participate - those with the least that must often travel from afar to attend.

In this way we know that we must all contribute - we ask you to acknowledge through your own heart and spirit that which you will contribute; sponsor an Elder, a young person, or someone else. Form your own circle and participate virtually, register your own support. Whichever is the true heart way for you, know that you have our heartfelt appreciation!

Support this gathering

Mail checks made out to INITC

P.O. Box 122, Hermosa, SD 57744

A special note - For contributions of US$50 or more you will receive a limited-edition t-shirt as our gift.


Stories and Songs 8 glyphs 2023